Prenatal & Postnatal Classes

Discover the benefits of Pilates & Barre workouts during and after pregnancy.

I’m pregnant. Is it safe to take class?

Barre is the most pre and postnatal-friendly class on our schedule. Most Barre class exercises are safe throughout your entire pregnancy and postpartum period. Our instructors will skillfully guide you through any required modifications. Small class sizes ensure that you get the attention you need during and after pregnancy.

Pilates Mat, Reformer, and Fusion classes are generally safe up until ~18 weeks of pregnancy. (Postnatal clients, especially those with diastasis, should avoid Pilates classes until the gap has narrowed.) We offer a Prenatal Pilates Mat class on Saturdays at 11:15am, as well as Pre & Postnatal Pilates privates on the Pilates equipment. You can find answers to common questions about our pre & postnatal classes, in our FAQ.

At a mommy & me Barre class at Brooklyn Heights, a mom smiles at her baby while laying on the mat as baby looks around the room

Baby, Meet Barre.

Barre + Baby is a gentle yet effective postnatal workout that new moms do with their newborn in tow. Your baby will have a blast while you strengthen your body (and mind) alongside other new moms in our beautiful and spacious Brooklyn Heights studio. This class is safe for clients with diastasis recti. Maximum recommended baby weight: 18-20 lbs. Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:30am. Additional times available by request.

Prenatal & Postnatal Pilates Mat

No major modifications required in this Pilates Mat class designed specifically for new and expectant moms. This class features the most beneficial & pregnancy-friendly Pilates movements to help you stay active during and after pregnancy. Safe for all trimesters. Postnatal clients welcome, too! Offered every Saturday at 11:15am

Prenatal & Postnatal Privates

Train 1:1 with an instructor who is experienced working with prenatal and postnatal bodies. You will use the Pilates equipment to re-awaken the connection to your deep abdominal (TVA) muscles through a skillful blend of stability and mobility exercises designed to work the core from the inside out. Each session will incorporate standing movements and light to moderate cardio, as well as much-needed stretching (upper back and neck, we see you!) $135 per 55 minute session.

Gentle Barre

Gentle Barre is a slower-paced version of our all levels class, and is an excellent option for prenatal and postpartum clients looking for a more restorative movement experience. Like all of our barre classes, the majority of the exercises are safe throughout pregnancy, and modifications will be provided when necessary. Offered on Saturdays at 1:30pm & Sundays at 11:30am.

Pre & Postnatal FAQs

  • Up until 18 weeks, we recommend both Barre & Pilates classes. No modifications required, unless your doctor or body tells you otherwise. For your safety, beyond 18 weeks, clients are not permitted into group Pilates classes (Mat, Fusion, or Group Reformer).

  • Beyond 18 weeks, prenatal clients should avoid torso rotation (a small twist is OK), spinal flexion (as in a “sit-up”), and lying on your back for extended periods of time. These are shapes we find ourselves in often in a group Pilates class, and modifying around them makes for a frustrating class experience. We recommend pre and postnatal Pilates Mat (Sat at 9:15am) or Pre/postnatal privates if you want to maintain your Pilates practice throughout your pregnancy journey.

  • We recommend getting medical clearance from your physician before resuming physical activity post-pregnancy. In our experience that typically happens at around 6 weeks postpartum (up to 10 weeks post cesarean.)

  • To ensure the safety of both parent / caretaker and child, the maximum baby weight is in the 18-20 pound range.

  • No. Please bring your own supportive baby carrier. No slings allowed. Baby stays in the carrier for most of the class, and in our experience, they love it!

  • Mom can expect a challenging, postnatal friendly workout. Rest assured, you will work, sweat, and have fun.

  • Many of our instructors, including all Barre + Baby instructors, are trained to check for diastasis. Ask your instructor! We also offer privates and semi-privates designed specifically to teach clients with mild to moderate diastasis how to work their abdominals safely during the healing period.